Read More from Calle J. Brookes

Free Stories from Finley Creek and more…

Well. It’s been…a bad month. I haven’t much felt like blogging, or working, really.

We had some “life things” go on since Christmas, including illness and death in the family.

We also said goodbye to Liberty Ann the Wonder Dog on Jan 8. She was 18 years and 3 weeks old, and just decided it was her time. I rescued that dog when she was 6 weeks old, given a 1 in 5 chance of surviving to adulthood (well, she more than knocked that out of the water!), was completely naked, and was beyond precious. I was twenty-five when I adopted her. I feel like I had her for half my life, and I almost did. She has left a real hole, and probably always will.

She also saved my life and kiddo’s. But that is a story for another day.

I am back to working again now. I took a few weeks off after we said good-bye. To adjust, for one thing. Over the last two years we never left her unsupervised, so I stayed up at night with her. It worked out well–I could write while the house was quiet. But now that I don’t have to do that any longer, I had to adjust to not being a vampire and staying up all night!

Of course, kiddo’s sports stuff is starting up again. We’re doing 1x a week basketball practice as of this week, and games on Saturdays. 2x a week taekwondo (she’s testing for her junior black belt next) and doing private softball lessons 2-4x a month. All around her online high school schedule. With her jumping into 9th grade, it was a bit of a surprise! She’s doing great with the school work–but she is her mother’s child when it comes to the ADHD struggles. She’s a very smart kid, but sometimes the ADHD gets in her way.

Time management and organization are really hard for her. But she’s learning. She just turned 13 the week of Christmas, and she’s keeping up just fine.

(Well, she WAS. Until the mono hit. She’s still a zombie half the time now, but she’s getting better.)

She’s also starting to write her own stories, which I think is hilarious. For years, she refused to even read fiction. Only non-fiction for her. Now, she’s writing all the time. Or animating. She loves doing photoshop and Adobe Animate, etc. The things she’s going to learn…reminds me of the Louis Armstrong song “What a Wonderful World”.

I’m excited to see what she comes up with someday.

Now…on to the good part!

Haldyn and Jarrod are out there now!

They are at a special preorder price until Feb. 3rd. On Feb 4th, it’ll go up to its full price of $7.99. It won’t be discounted again.

This book ended up way longer than anticipated. (They keep doing that, as the storylines get more complicated). It is the first of the Enemies Within mini-series, which I think may be a part of the extra length. There was a lot that had to be set up in this one.). And it went in a direction I never anticipated. So…I’m really eager to write the next one.

I am at about the halfway mark of Powell’s book. She’s giving me fits, of course. She won’t even tell me her title yet, either. They always get difficult at this point. I’ve also worked a bit on later books in the series. Charlotte and Daniel’s storyline is still very murky, but it may be based on what happens in Haldyn, Powell, and Madison’s books.

I’m also working on Meyra’s book (Masterson County #11). I think Meyra and Brandt’s book will release after Powell’s, since they do take place during the same timeline. In fact, most of the Enemies Within will take place within a very short span of time, too. I hope to have all the Enemies Within out by December 2024. (For those of you who only read Finleys, Meyra Talley is Charlotte’s cousin, and Brandt is Powell’s twin brother! For PAVAD readers, Meyra is Miranda Talley’s younger sister!).

AND…there will be at least one PAVAD (and/or a Case File) out this year as well. It just depends on my schedule and how much I can get accomplished this year. The next PAVAD is Nat’s book. I’m working on hers now, as well. Then I have some things planned for Miranda and Knight that I hope come to fruition. Miranda and Knight will get the final PAVAD book, Ending. I just don’t know their release date yet.

Now, for the links!


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One thought on “Haldyn is out there!

  1. Susan Mchale says:


    I enjoy each of you books!
    Thank you


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